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Showing posts with the label Lloyd Levin


Zack Snyder To Direct Another Comic Book Film "Mage"

Zack Snyder To Direct Another Comic Book Film "Mage" "Watchmen" producer Lloyd Levin is set to bring seminal '80s comicbook " Mage " to the bigscreen. Levin has acquired bigscreen rights to Matt Wagner's 15-book collection that makes up " The Hero Discovered " arc. Story -- a reinterpretation of the legend of Camelot -- centers on Kevin Matchstick , an alienated young man who discovers he has superhuman abilities, gains a magic baseball bat and defeats the nefarious plans of a being called the Umbra Sprite. "It has always been a favorite book of mine," said Levin, whose comicbook-to-bigscreen credits also include the "Hellboy" films. "It's one of the great untapped comicbooks from the '80s renaissance that also spawned "Watchmen" and "Batman: Dark Knight." Levin will finance development and production of "Mage," which was previously in development at Spyglass with Zac...