Zack Snyder To Direct Another Comic Book Film "Mage" "Watchmen" producer Lloyd Levin is set to bring seminal '80s comicbook " Mage " to the bigscreen. Levin has acquired bigscreen rights to Matt Wagner's 15-book collection that makes up " The Hero Discovered " arc. Story -- a reinterpretation of the legend of Camelot -- centers on Kevin Matchstick , an alienated young man who discovers he has superhuman abilities, gains a magic baseball bat and defeats the nefarious plans of a being called the Umbra Sprite. "It has always been a favorite book of mine," said Levin, whose comicbook-to-bigscreen credits also include the "Hellboy" films. "It's one of the great untapped comicbooks from the '80s renaissance that also spawned "Watchmen" and "Batman: Dark Knight." Levin will finance development and production of "Mage," which was previously in development at Spyglass with Zac...