His work influenced millions of Science-Fiction fans. Story by Matt Cummings There's few actors that are tied so closely to just one character: Leonard Nimoy was one such phenomenon, forever linked to his role as Mr. Spock on television's Star Trek: The Original Series . Is there a gesture more remembered and used that Nimoy's "Live Long and Prosper?" Not likely. And how about that cool disposition that so many have tried (and frankly failed) to mimic? Nimoy's death on Friday at age 83 wasn't unexpected, as he had been sick for quite some time. But, the outpouring of support in the wake has been nothing but extraordinary. Everyone from Seth MacFarlane, Patrick Stewart, and even Author JK Rowling chimed in today to pay their respects. But when the President of the United States releases a statement saying, "I loved Spock," you know his effect was widespread. When Twitter explodes with Tweets from dozens of other celebrities w...