Despite his huge fan appeal, Quentin Tarantino has not graced the massive Hall H at Comic-Con before. But that changed today when the man known as QT brought some of his latest creation, Django Unchained , to the event Saturday morning. Arriving on stage at a thronged Hall H, Tarantino had rounded up Jamie Foxx (dressed for the occasion in hat and beard), Walton Goggins, Don Johnson, Christoph Waltz and Kerry Washington . Thanking fans for standing in line for so long, the director began by explaining that he’d had the film in his noggin for 13 years and had long wanted to do a Western. Foxx took the opportunity to address the movie’s more controversial racism / slavery aspects, saying, “We're grown up. We're big boys and big girls now. But you expect Quentin to blow the walls off it.” He also pointed to his own history, having grown up in Texas and being called the N word – explaining that it helped his understanding of the script, with the project having special rele...