Smallville Episode 1 "Lazarus"Review By: Jason Albrecht Smallville is a comic lover’s embarrassment. I want to like it, and at times I do (very few and very far between). Last season had a few bright points ( Hawkman for one), but the season premiere let down every hope I had from the season finale. I have nothing good to say about it. Nothing. It had moments where it could have stopped being reserved and grabbed the bull by the reigns. Have Chloe become Dr. Fate . How cool would that have been? But it would have been too bold for Smallville. It’s the last season for Clark ’s sake. Give him the suit early and make us love him. Instead they decided that he needs to be taught another lesson, again. At least we saw this season’s villain: Darkseid (the impending darkness hinted at heavy handedly last season and throughout the first episode of this season). But seriously? He formed out of a moving cloud of smoke?? This isn’t Lost and that’s no smoke monster....