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Showing posts with the label Jonathan Teplitzky


Railway Man Review: Oddly Placed Drama Won't See Much Love

The Colin Firth/Nicole Kidman PTSD drama Railway Man fails to build desperately needed momentum.  Review by: Matt Cummings  With America once again exiting the stage of war, we've had a chance to see our men and women of the armed service grapple with the manacle that is PTSD. At the end of WWII, men returned as different people, fundamentally altered by their experiences but content to bear that burden alone. And while the drama Railway Man attempts to portray these struggles in a forgive/forget piece, the lack of momentum is painful to deal with. British Army veteran As Eric Lomax (Colin Firth) is a shy, stoggy sort with an enduring passion for railroads. His knowledge of English railway timelines makes him at first seem like a lonely social misfit trivia, until a chance meeting with Patti (Nicole Kidman) aboard a train in 1980 convinces him to make friends. In a blink, the couple is married, enjoying a mid-life romance that soon turns dark, as Lomax b...