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Showing posts with the label Joey Ansah


Street Fighter Legacy Trailer

Street Fighter Legacy Trailer Whoa! Whoa! This is the Street Fighter movie I would be willing to pay my hard earned cash to go see. Street Fighter Legacy is brought to us by Joey Ansah , the crazy dude who fought Jason Bourne in Morocco in The Bourne Ultimatum. Collider got there hands on the short and let it loose to the world. If this doesn't get the guys a shot at making a feature film, then I don't know what will.  To check out more behind the scenes and photo stills go over and say Hello to the good guys over at Collider . ‘Street Fighter-Legacy’ a Streetlight Films production, co-directed by Joey Ansah and Owen Trevor, produced by Jacqueline Quella and stars Jon Foo as Ryu and Christian Howard as Ken. ‘StreetFighter-Legacy’ a liveaction short film fan project, based on the popular Capcom gaming franchise: Street Fighter. Officially endorsed by Capcom StreetFighter Legacy has been a labour of love and passion project for its creator, Joey Ansah, who not onl...