TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! Nearly two decades after Pixar Animation Studios created the world’s first computer-animated feature film with “ Toy Story ,” it revealed plans for Disney•Pixar’s “ Toy Story 4 ,” an adventure that returns audiences to the world of the studio’s signature characters. John Lasseter , director of the original “ Toy Story ” and “ Toy Story 2 ,” will direct the film, which opens a new chapter in the lives of Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the “Toy Story” gang. The story was dreamt up by Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter and Lee Unkrich, the storytellers who have been the driving force behind all three “Toy Story” films. “We love these characters so much; they are like family to us,” said Lasseter. “We don’t want to do anything with them unless it lives up to or surpasses what’s gone before. ‘Toy Story 3’ ended Woody and Buzz’s story with Andy so perfectly that for a long time, we never even talked about doing another ‘Toy Story’ movie. But when Andrew, Pete, ...