SundanceNOW has provide SandwichJohnFilms with two exclusive codes to watch the film BRAKE from the comfort of you home. You must be 18 or older to be eligible to win the prize. I will pick one winner from my Facebook page and one Twitter Follower. BRAKE (starring Stephen Dorff of BLADE and IMMORTALS), is available on SundanceNOW , before its limited theatrical release on March 23. Jeremy Reins (Dorff) is about to have a very bad day. He wakes up in total darkness, confused and disoriented. The only light comes from the blood-red digital numbers ticking away above his head. Jeremy quickly realizes he's in trouble. It's hard to breathe. He can barely move. No one will answer his cries for help. Then, he hears the sound of an engine and it all becomes clear...he's trapped in the trunk of a moving car. SundanceNOW LIKE SundanceNOW on Facebook - Make sure to follow SundanceNOW on Twitter - Please Leave A Comment-