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Showing posts with the label Gary Lydon


Turtle Tuesday: Get To Know Raphael

Today is Turtle Tuesday and every Tuesday we will be putting up information on your favorite NINJA TURTLE from the film TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES . Raphael (Raph) – The team's bad boy, Raphael wears a dark red mask and wields a pair of sai. He is physically strong, has an aggressive nature, and seldom hesitates to throw the first punch. He is often depicted with a New York accent. His personality can be fierce and sarcastic, and oftentimes delivers deadpan humor. He is intensely loyal to his brothers and sensei. He is named after the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, Raphael. Please Leave A Comment-

Win Tickets To An Advance Screening For @CalvaryFilm In Sacramento

Win Tickets To An Advance For Calvary  on Tuesday, August 12th at 7:30PM in Sacramento. CALVARY’s Father James ( Brendan Gleeson ) is a good priest who is faced with sinister and troubling circumstances brought about by a mysterious member of his parish. Although he continues to comfort his own fragile daughter ( Kelly Reilly ) and reach out to help members of his church with their various scurrilous moral - and often comic - problems, he feels sinister and troubling forces closing in, and begins to wonder if he will have the courage to face his own personal Calvary. Make sure to LIKE SandwichJohnFilms on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for all your entertainment news and screenings. Also make sure to subscribe and download our podcast . See how to win tickets after the Jump... Goto And enter code: SJFCALV DISCLAIMER: ARRIVE EARLY! SEATING IS FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED, EXCEPT FOR MEMBERS OF THE REVIEWING PRESS. THEATER IS...

Turtle Tuesday: Get To Know Donatello

Today is Turtle Tuesday and every Tuesday we will be putting up information on your favorite NINJA TURTLE from the coming film TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES . Donatello (Don or Donnie) – The scientist, inventor, engineer, and technological genius, Donatello wears a purple mask and wields a bo staff. Donatello is perhaps the least violent turtle, preferring to use his knowledge to solve conflicts, but never hesitates to defend his brothers. He is named after the early Renaissance Italian artist and sculptor from Florence, Donatello. Please Leave A Comment-

Win Tickets To An Advance Screening For @CalvaryFilm In San Francisco

Win Tickets To An Advance For Calvary  on August 5th at 7:30PM in San Francisco. CALVARY’s Father James ( Brendan Gleeson ) is a good priest who is faced with sinister and troubling circumstances brought about by a mysterious member of his parish. Although he continues to comfort his own fragile daughter ( Kelly Reilly ) and reach out to help members of his church with their various scurrilous moral - and often comic - problems, he feels sinister and troubling forces closing in, and begins to wonder if he will have the courage to face his own personal Calvary. Make sure to LIKE SandwichJohnFilms on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for all your entertainment news and screenings. Also make sure to subscribe and download our podcast . See how to win tickets after the Jump... Click HERE to get your tickets. DISCLAIMER: ARRIVE EARLY! SEATING IS FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED, EXCEPT FOR MEMBERS OF THE REVIEWING PRESS. THEATER IS OVERBOOKED TO ENSURE A FULL HOUSE. T...