This was the View inside Flynn's Arcade. We Started out on a Scavenger Hunt. Had to find Three Posters threw out town. They armed you with a packet, inside the packet you had a black light and map. You had to find three posters threw out town. When you found the First poster it lead you to the second and so on. Using the Black lights It gave you a set of numbers that coordinated with the map. As we start walking down 7th Ave. You could see the Bright Light that lead to the Holy Grail FLYNNS. Yes the arcade. Like anything else during Comic Con we had to wait in line for over an hour. But as you can see by the video it was well worth it.Once you got in they were playing 80's music. You could play all these old school games. From TRON to Excite Bike. After about 20 Min They started to play Journey, which lead to the light going on and off and the Tron light flashing. Then came on Daft Punk music. And then just like out of the New movie the TRON game opened up and lead to Loud Daft...