The horned one goes from Affleck to Netflix. Review by Brandon Wolfe Daredevil, Marvel’s “man without fear,” got off to a fairly disastrous live-action start with an eponymous theatrical film in 2003 starring Ben Affleck. That film, an overly melodramatic, atrociously clichéd instance of pre- Iron Man superhero detritus (albeit one with a killer Evanescence song), was so poorly received that it spawned neither a sequel nor a reboot (even 2005’s horrible Fantastic Four got both), the rights languishing in limbo for a decade before reverting back to Marvel Studios, their rightful owner. Rather than inject Daredevil into its intricate cinematic tapestry, Marvel, always eager to expand their reign in the bid for complete pop-cultural domination, went a different route, opting instead to launch Daredevil as a binge-friendly Netflix event series, the first of several it has planned. While it might have initially seemed as though such a significant character, one who once anchored