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Clips From Aquarius Episode 2 'NEVER SAY NEVER TO ALWAYS'

NEVER SAY NEVER TO ALWAYS (TV-14) Watch all the clips after the Jump... SHAFE AND CHARMAIN GO UNDERCOVER AND FIND THEMSELVES FACE TO FACE WITH CHARLES MANSON - Drug dealer Art Gladner (Shaun Duke, "90210") is found murdered, and the chief suspect is Shafe's (Grey Damon) snitch, Mike Vickery (Jason Ralph, "A Most Violent Year"). Hodiak (David Duchovny) agrees to help Shafe exonerate Vickery. In exchange, Shafe takes rookie Charmain Tully (Claire Holt) undercover into the Manson Family to find out where Manson (Gethin Anthony) has Emma (Emma Dumont). They succeed, but not without consequences, especially for Charmain. Michaela McManus, Brían F. O'Byrne, Chance Kelly ("Generation Kill") and Ambyr Childers ("All My Children") guest star. Please Leave A Comment-

Clips From NBC's #Aquarius Starring @davidduchovny

Sam Hodiak ( David Duchovny , "Californication," "The X-Files"), a decorated World War II vet and homicide detective, barely recognizes the city he's now policing. Long hair, cheap drugs, rising crime, protests, free love, police brutality, Black Power and the Vietnam War are radically remaking the world he and the Greatest Generation saved from fascism 20 years ago. Watch all the clips after the Jump... So when Emma Karn ( Emma Dumont , "Salvation," "Bunheads"), the 16-year-old daughter of an old girlfriend, goes missing in a sea of hippies and Hodiak agrees to find her, he faces only hostility, distrust and silence. He enlists the help of Brian Shafe ( Grey Damon , "True Blood," "Friday Night Lights") - a young, idealistic undercover vice cop who's been allowed to grow his hair out - to infiltrate this new counterculture and find her. The generational conflict between the two is immediate and heated,...