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How Netflix's 'Daredevil' Matches Up to the Comics

We compare some of the plot points and story beats and analyze the possible scenarios Season 2 may take. Story by Matt Cummings By now, you've heard that online distributor Netflix has partnered with Marvel to produce a series of television programs featuring several Nick Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil. The latter premiered on April 9th as a 13-episode series, and tells the story of the blinded Matt Murdock, lawyer by day and crime fighter by night. He uses his heightened senses and fierce fighting skills to clean up Hell's Kitchen, a particularly nasty borough near The Avengers' climactic battle in Manhattan. But this isn't merely a jumping off point for a collection of Netflix-based heroes: Netflix has made some very interesting connections and planted many, many easter egss for the diehard fans. The result is a vastly-improved series over ABC's Agents of SHIELD ( read Brandon's most recent review here ), but how do the television and comic...