El Rey Network, influenced by the lives of core male viewers who have embraced its programming over the last three years, will expand its focus to include a surging audience it calls “ Strivers .” “ Strivers ” represents the new working and middle class male viewers who hold strong core beliefs about the importance of family, independence, hard work, craftsmanship, and legacy, which defy typical age and race metrics and speak more to the notion of “living by a code.” The network appeals to an audience of a sociographic class, rather than defining its audience by traditional age and race categories. “Strivers are important because they represent every race and region of the country and consume more hours of linear cable television each week than any other socioeconomic group. Additionally, Strivers are loyal to brands, and spend large portions of their household incomes against consumer categories that are important to advertisers. We see appealing to Strivers as a huge opportun...