Justice League Movie: What Could Have Been A few years ago, Australian director George 'Mad Max' Miller assembled a group of young actors to play DC Comics' iconic superhero squad the Justice League Of America. Armie Hammer (Batman), D.J. Catrona (Superman), Adam Brody (The Flash) and Megan Gale (Wonder Woman) would have led the cast with Jay Baruchel and Teresa Palmer . You were going to work with Teresa Palmer a while ago on a Justice League movie... "It's weird talking about it because the blogosphere was not very kind to us - they're looking for anything to s**t on! The two of us were going to do that, it sounds really strange out of context, had you read the script it would have made perfect sense." Do you think it would have won around the blogosphere? "I'll just say this, if we had been able to make the movie that we had gone down [to Australia] to rehearse, if you had seen the production art I'd seen... it would've be...