TV Recap: Arrow "Streets of Fire" By: Sue The after math of the explosion has Arrow pinned. He crawls his way from beneath the rubble, looking for Laurel. Diggle takes on a crazed Isabel, still wielding swords and a mask. Laurel calls out, she’s trapped, but luckily she has Arrow’s bow and quiver. He has her locate the explosive arrow, one he wants her to use to blast her way out. Isabel gets Diggle down, but before she can finish him, Felicity hits her with the van. Diggle gets in, and Isabel gets up. The pair drive off as Isabel rises. More of Deathstroke’s men attack Quinton at the station. Quinton is forced to use grenades to clear the room. City Hall battens down the hatches as Mayor Blood tries to mollify everyone. The DA wants the National Guard called in, but Blood thinks the police can handle it, that Starling City can get through the crisis if they just keep calm. Blood tells her to get her shit together, that the city needs them. Arrow tells L...