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Zach Reviews- GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS Website: Youtube Channel for sandwichjohnfilms: Make sure to follow Zach on Twitter- Youtube- Discuss this with fellow SJF fans on Facebook . On Twitter, follow us at @SandwichJohnFilms Please Leave A Comment-

Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS In Albuquerque

Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS On May 28th at 7:00 PM In Albuquerque. The new story follows the heroic efforts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species—thought to be mere myths—rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance. In Theaters May 31 CLICK HERE TO ENTER- Facebook- Twitter- Instagram- #GodzillaMovie SEATING IS LIMITED, SO ARRIVE EARLY. PASS DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SEAT AT THE SCREENING. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio and/or visual recording devi...

Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS In Phoenix

Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS On May 28th at 7:00 PM In Phoenix. The new story follows the heroic efforts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species—thought to be mere myths—rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance. In Theaters May 31 CLICK HERE TO ENTER- Facebook- Twitter- Instagram- #GodzillaMovie SEATING IS LIMITED, SO ARRIVE EARLY. PASS DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SEAT AT THE SCREENING. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio and/or visual recording device i...

Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS In Las Vegas

Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS On May 28th at 7:00 PM In Las Vegas. The new story follows the heroic efforts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species—thought to be mere myths—rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance. In Theaters May 31 CLICK HERE TO ENTER- Facebook- Twitter- Instagram- #GodzillaMovie SEATING IS LIMITED, SO ARRIVE EARLY. PASS DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SEAT AT THE SCREENING. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio and/or visual recording device...

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Official Trailer

Following the global success of “ Godzilla ” and “ Kong: Skull Island ” comes the next chapter in Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ cinematic MonsterVerse, an epic action adventure that pits Godzilla against some of the most popular monsters in pop culture history. The new story follows the heroic efforts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species—thought to be mere myths—rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance. Discuss this with fellow SJF fans on Facebook . On Twitter, follow us at @SandwichJohnFilms Please Leave A Comment-


3D Lens Launching December 1, 2016 in Advance of Film’s Release on January 6, 2017 In support of the upcoming action/horror film UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS, the latest installment in the blockbuster UNDERWORLD franchise, Screen Gems has partnered with the wildly popular platform Snapchat to develop the first-ever sponsored interactive 3D Lens to reach their 150+ million daily users and allow the studio to communicate with Snapchatters in the most interactive and personal way. The “Underworld 3D Lens” uses a smartphone’s gyroscope to build an immersive Underworld-themed environment around the Snapchatter rather than the standard overlay to which users are accustomed. As the phone turns, the background adapts to the movement. The “Underworld 3D Lens” will be released nationwide on December 29, 2016 but fans will have the opportunity to “snap to unlock” and get a sneak peek via Snapcodes released prior to the launch starting on December 1, 2016. The custom Snapcodes will be incorporat...


The next installment in the blockbuster franchise, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS follows Vampire death dealer, Selene ( Kate Beckinsale ) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. With her only allies, David ( Theo James ) and his father Thomas ( Charles Dance ), she must stop the eternal war between Lycans and Vampires, even if it means she has to make the ultimate sacrifice. Please Leave A Comment-


The next installment in the blockbuster franchise, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS follows Vampire death dealer, Selene ( Kate Beckinsale ) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. With her only allies, David ( Theo James ) and his father Thomas ( Charles Dance ), she must stop the eternal war between Lycans and Vampires, even if it means she has to make the ultimate sacrifice. Please Leave A Comment-


Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. Director Paul Feig combines all the paranormal fighting elements that made the original franchise so beloved with a cast of new characters, played by the funniest actors working today. Get ready to watch them save the world this summer! Please Leave A Comment-

First Photo Of Chris Hemsworth From The Upcoming #Ghostbusters Film

Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. Director Paul Feig combines all the paranormal fighting elements that made the original franchise so beloved with a cast of new characters, played by the funniest actors working today. Get ready to watch them save the world this summer! All all the images after the Jump... Please Leave A Comment-

#Ghostbusters Character Posters

Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. Director Paul Feig combines all the paranormal fighting elements that made the original franchise so beloved with a cast of new characters, played by the funniest actors working today. Get ready to watch them save the world this summer! See the poster after the Jump... Please Leave A Comment-


TV Recap: GAME OF THRONES S05E03: HIGH SPARROW Ramsey Snow, became Bolton. Jon Snow was offered to be legitimized too if he helped Stannis. He became the commander of the Night's Watch instead. Sansa saw Littlefinger receive a Raven's scroll, which he claimed to be about marriage proposals. Brienne offered her her sword, but she refused it, which did not make Brienne give up on her. Cersei set a high reward for the man who brought her Tyrion's head. Jorah Mormont betrayed Daenerys, and she sent him from her City. Arya found Jaqen H'gar, and entered the House of Black and White to become no one. Inside the House of Black and White, things look bleak and dusty. Arya spends her day sweeping. She watches Jaqen though, as he gives a man a glass of water. The man drinks its down, and walks towards a statue leaking. He falls on his knees. Arya puts down her broom. She's been sweeping for days, but she didn't come to sweep his floors. He told her that she could ...

TV Recap: #GameofThrones S05E02 "The House of Black & White"

TV Recap: Game of Thrones S05E02 "The House of Black and White" Tyrion was given a choice. Brienne felt failure. Cersei sent her daughter to safety, but Oberon was killed before his mistress in a trial by combat. The sons of the Harpy crossed a line, and Daenerys called for his capture. Arya used her coin for passage to Braavos. Arya prepares to enter the city of Braavos, by passing beneath the guardian statue's large feet. A horn sounds, and Arya clutches her chest, she's not afraid, she's ready. She's rowed ashore to the bustling city. The open water market is a large one, but they pass it for somewhere far more quiet. The captain takes her to the house of black and white to find the man she seeks. She thanks him for bringing her, but any man of Braavos would have done the same. Arya approaches the large black and white doors. It takes her a few tries, for the doors to be open to her. She greets the man, and utters the words “Valar Morghuilis.” They ...

TV Recap: #GameOfThrones S05E01 "The Wars To Come"

TV Recap: Game of Thrones S05E01 "The Wars To Come" Last season we saw the Purple Wedding. Sansa leave with Littlefinger. Daenerys take a city. Tommen become king. Tyrion won and lost his trial by combat. Dany locked away her dragons after Drogon killed a child and flew away. Jon Snow return to the black brothers and Ygritte die in his arms. The wall come under attack, Stannis come to the Wall's aid. The Hound fought Brienne, and lost. Jamie release his brother and Tyrion murder his traitorous whore and his own father. Every year has been bigger and better than the previous one, and the map or Westeros and the surrounding kingdoms have expanded yet again. A pair of girls trudge in the mud. The brown haired one fears if the blonde's father finds out, but the blonde assures her that she doesn't have to fear her father. They come across a hut in the woods. The brown haired one thinks that they should not enter, but the blonde urges them forward. The blo...

Movie Review: Woman in Gold

Truth, Justice, and The American Way. Review by David Clark Woman In Gold , a movie inspired by real life events, has a flavor to it that will appeal to some and that will push away others. Starring the ever popular Ryan Reynolds along with Katie Holmes, Helen Mirren, Tatiana Maslany, and Charles Dance, this movie has a lot of star power. At least, it would if the big name actors associated with this movie had the amount of screen-time that the viewing audience was expecting. Woman In Gold gives a bit of the old bait-and-switch between what the trailers show versus what the actual movie presents. For example, Katie Holmes is a name that might draw fans to this movie; however, she has about as many words in this entire film as she has in the official trailer. The same can be said for Charles Dance. Why enlist household names in a movie and then underutilize their talent? The roles portrayed by Holmes and Dance could have easily been filled by unfamiliar faces and it w...


MORE MAJOR EXHIBITORS GET ON BOARD WITH WEINSTEIN COMPANY FOR FREE HIGH SCHOOL SCREENINGS OF THE IMITATION GAME CARMIKE, CINEMARK AND REGAL JOIN AMC THEATRES IN OFFERING COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS TO STUDENTS. The Imitation Game Review: Cumberbatch Shines in Turing Biopic - The Weinstein Company (TWC) is excited to announce that major exhibitors Carmike Cinemas, Cinemark and Regal Entertainment Group are joining AMC Theatres in giving their support to a free high school screening program for Academy Award® winning film THE IMITATION GAME. Students all over the U.S. are being offered free tickets to the movie on Friday, March 6th at 446 locations, with a special focus on schools and community groups, including high school computer classes, math and science teams and LGBT clubs. Commented TWC Co-Chairman Harvey Weinstein: "It's amazing to see the movement that's being created in bringing students to theaters and giving them an opportunity to experience this film. We are ...

#THEIMITATIONGAME Available On Blu-ray & DVD March 31st & Digital Download March 20th

THE IMITATION GAME Academy Award® Winner for Best Adapted Screenplay on BLU-RAY™ and DVD March 31, 2015 Early Digital Download Window Begins March 20, 2015  Anchor Bay Entertainment and The Weinstein Company are proud to announce the home entertainment release of THE IMITATION GAME , starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Rory Kinnear, Allen Leech , with Charles Dance , and Mark Strong ; written by Graham Moore and directed by Morten Tyldum. Heralded as one of the top films of the year in nearly every major publication, the independently produced film has gone on to gross more than 150 million dollars worldwide, and received eight Academy Award® nominations including Best Picture, five Golden Globe® nominations, nine BAFTA nominations, and three Screen Actors Guild nominations. It won the Academy Award® for Adapted Screenplay, was named one of the Best Films of the Year by AFI, received the USC Libraries Scripter Award and was awarded Best Adapted Scre...

The Imitation Game Review: Cumberbatch Shines in Turing Biopic

The striking The Imitation Game has "Oscar Bait" written all over it. Review by Matt Cummings For those of us who've ever been labeled a 'nerd' or 'geek' when it was unfashionable to be one, the last few years have been particularly fulfilling. No more the objects of ridicule, we're a fixture on television (The Big Bang Theory, Scorpion) and our actions save and remake the world ( Skyfall , The Theory of Everything ). That's a joke obviously, but for Mathematician Alan Turing it couldn't have been more true. Perhaps Geek #1 and a force in the ending of WWII, Turing gets his own biopic in the Oscar-worthy The Imitation Game , a movie that's far more than its title suggests. Turning (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a brilliant mathematician who's watched Britain become engulfed in the madness of WWII with seemingly no way to keep Adolf Hitler's meteoric rise from leading to his country's eventual end. The key to German...