While several April titles look appealing, only release gets our full attention...again. Story by Matt Cummings For a year that's supposed to be the highest-grossing in the history of cinema, February and March 2015 did nothing to help that expectation. In fact, both have turned out to be something close to disasters, with March delivering the lowest box office since 1997 ($461.9m). Even Cinderella's very nice $156m monthly haul wasn't enough to offset Chappie 's scant $30m, or Run All Night 's $24m). Home and Get Hard could turn in decent money by April's end, but none of that is guaranteed. So, it's with a bit of sheepishness that we present you yet another month with very few - ok, only ONE - film that we know could singlehandedly keep April alive. And while there's potentially appealing stories about corporate greed (Ex Machina), a comedy about growing old (While We're Young), and a drama about a man on the FBI's most wanted l