Young, up-and-coming martial artist, Bruce Lee , challenges legendary kung fu master Wong Jack Man to a no-holds-barred fight in Northern California. Set against the backdrop of San Francisco’s Chinatown, this cross-cultural film chronicles Bruce Lee’s emergence as a martial-arts superstar after his legendary secret showdown with fellow martial artist Wong Jack Man. Birth of the Dragon is directed by American writer-turned-filmmaker George Nolfi, director of The Adjustment Bureau , and writer of Ocean's Twelve, The Sentinel, The Bourne Ultimatum and the TV show "Allegiance" previously. Birth Of The Dragon uses a still-disputed private brawl between martial arts masters Bruce Lee (Philip Ng) and Wong Jack Man (Yu Xia) in 1964 as the fuel for a San Francisco-set coming-of-age story involving a rough and tumble young white man [Billy Magnussen doing his best Steve McQueen] who matches the feuding fighting legends in the brawl as he pursues a Romeo and Juliet romance w