Natalie Portman To Star In Best Buds A Stoner Comedy Natalie Portman and her production company, Handsome Charlie Films, are currently searching for a director to helm Best Buds, a stoner road comedy Portman is producing and set to star in. The independently financed comedy is said to be in the vein of Harold and Kumar and Half-Baked and will center on two best female friends who take a road trip to their friend’s wedding in order to save her by bringing her weed. Portman has been consistent in recent years with her script choices, regularly alternating big-budget fare with independent projects. She started her own production company in order to field more scripts suited to her tastes, and she’s already got Hesher (with Joseph Gordon-Levitt) ready for theaters (it debuted at Sundance), and it’s her production company that’s also moving forward with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which is expected to come after she finishes filming Thor. Best Buds would line up well following Zombies...