The Walt Disney Studios announced today that the heartwarming adventure “ The One and Only Ivan ,” an adaptation of the bestselling, award-winning book about one very special gorilla directed by Thea Sharrock, will premiere exclusively on Disney+ August 21, 2020. The film, which was previously scheduled to be released theatrically by The Walt Disney Studios, is an unforgettable tale about the beauty of friendship, the power of visualization and the significance of the place one calls home. “The One and Only Ivan,” which comes to the screen in an impressive hybrid of live-action and CGI, is based on Katherine Applegate’s book, which won numerous awards upon its publication in 2013, including the Newbery Medal. “The world has changed in a heartbeat. People all over the globe have shared important, life changing experiences in ways we have not seen for a century,” said Thea Sharrock. “In response to this, I am so happy that we can share Katherine Applegate’s delightful and original ...