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Showing posts with the label Andre 3000


Trailer For Jimi: All Is By My Side

There are a number of films about different periods in the life of iconic guitar slinger / singer Jimi Hendrix in development. After playing various festivals, Jimi: All Is By My Side is the first to actually take aim at theaters. Written and director by 12 Years A Slave scribe John Ridley , and featuring Outkast’s Andre 3000 (here credited as Andre Benjamin ), it’s an account of his pre-fame days, of time spent in London, the people he meets and his tangles with the law. It’s also minus any of his famous music, which seems odd for a film about a man who had such an impact on it, but without the expensive, closely held rights to his work, this is what Ridley focused on. With Imogen Poots and Hayley Atwell as two of the women who had an influence on his life at the time. Please Leave A Comment- Source- Empire

Nike And The Lakers Commercial

Nike And The Lakers Team Up With A Beatles Remake Featuring A new Nike Ad has appeared in support of the Lakers and it features no other song than the classic Beatles song, “ All Together Now .” The only thing is, it isn’t actually the Beatles song but a cover of the song performed by Andre 3000. Although we assume he only had good intentions for the ad (aside from making some extra cash), we’re not too happy with his rendition. The song, “ All Together Now ,” written by mastermind songwriting duo Paul McCartney and John Lennon during the Magical Mystery Tour period but unreleased until the Yellow Submarine soundtrack, carried a light-hearted child-like vibe to it maintaining its focus on unity and peace. Andre 3000’s cover, however, is currently being used to highlight the accomplishments of Los Angeles’ Lakers. Don’t get us wrong, we’re fans of the rapper/singer’s work in both his solo work (Hello, “Heya!”) and with his group, Outkast, but the cover loses its credibility when th...