Enter For A Chance To Win Passes To See DON’T LET GO On August 26th at 7:00 PM In Dallas. In DON’T LET GO , detective Jack Radcliff ( Oyelowo ) gets a shocking phone call from his recently murdered niece Ashley ( Reid ). Working together across time, they race to solve her murder before it can happen. CLICK HERE TO ENTER- Facebook: Facebook.com/DontLetGoMovie Twitter: twitter.com/DontLetGoMovie Instagram: Instagram.com/dontletgomovie #DontLetGo NO PURCHASE NECESSARY SEATING IS LIMITED, SO ARRIVE EARLY. PASS DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SEAT AT THE SCREENING. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio and/or visual recording device including laptop computers into the theater and you consent to physical search of your belongings and person have against you. Unauthorized recording will be reported to law enforcement and may subject you to criminal and civil liability (including damages up to $150,000). *This in...