“Dragon Ball Super: Broly.” This will mark the twentieth film in the Dragon Ball franchise and is based on the story, screenplay and character designs of original creator Akira Toriyama. “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” is anticipated to release in January 2019.
Additionally, Funimation has joined as a sponsor of the Dragon Ball North America Tour 2018, as part of the theatrical marketing plan for the film, which will encompass a total of seven cities in the U.S. and Canada and will launch this July at San Diego Comic-Con with a special panel on July 19th that features key contributors to the film as well as celebrity fans.
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Additionally, Funimation has joined as a sponsor of the Dragon Ball North America Tour 2018, as part of the theatrical marketing plan for the film, which will encompass a total of seven cities in the U.S. and Canada and will launch this July at San Diego Comic-Con with a special panel on July 19th that features key contributors to the film as well as celebrity fans.
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