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The Cursed Child is set 19 years after the events of The Deathly Hallows, with the Potters and the Granger-Weasley clans seemingly happily settling into family life. But young Albus Severus Potter (Sam Clemmett), headed to Hogwarts, is troubled by his weighty legacy, and has to deal with the ramifications of who his parents are.
Jamie Parker plays Harry, with Poppy Miller as Ginny. As for Ron (Paul Thornley), he's married to Hermione (Noma Dumezweni) and their daughter is played by Cherrelle Skeete. With a story by Rowling, script from Jack Thorne and John Tiffany as the show's director, previews start at the Palace Theatre on June 7, with the official opening set for July 30.
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