Warner Bros. releases the trailer less than a day after its leak. Story by Matt Cummings Thursday night was an interesting one for Warner Bros. Studios. The home of the DC Cinematic Universe, interest had been building for awhile with their plan to release an extended trailer for Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice on Monday April 20th. Seats had been reserved, Zack Snyder "swag" had been hinted at by the director, and fans were ready. That is, until a Portuguese version of the same trailer popped up online that same Thursday night . Although WB did its best to knock down sites that distributed the grainy cam-capture, it was clear they were fighting an uphill battle. But this is The Internet afterall, and no one will keep a trailer down. That's why Warner decided late Friday afternoon to release the trailer, featuring a much clearer cut: Snyder isn't letting the leak deter him. On Friday, he Tweeted this message out, giving fans some hope