Smallville: Absolute Justice Trailer
The two-hour "Absolute Justice" arc seems like it might be the thing that brings me back to "Smallville."This season Clark takes his superhero persona into obsessive territory when he leaves behind those he cares for so that he can focus solely on Jor-El's training. In order to accomplish this, Clark wears a new costume that sports his family crest on the chest. The theme of the season is about Clark finally embracing his alien heritage, while also being his darkest hour thus far. As a result, Clark's relationship with Chloe and Oliver will suffer this season. Season nine will also see the introduction of more DC Comics characters, including multiple episode appearances for the Justice Society of America, villain Metallo, and villainess Agent Amanda Waller.
Written by prolific comic creator Geoff Johns, "Absolute Justice" will feature the debut of one of my favorite superhero teams: The Justice Society of America. I've been hooked on the team since picking up Johns' "Black Reign" arc in the JSA comics, and the latest trailer for "Absolute Justice" offers some new looks at two of my favorite JSA members, Dr. Fate and Hawkman.
The new trailer is being aired in Canada, and also includes some appearances by Star Girl, Green Arrow, Icicle (at least, I think that's Icicle) and J'onn J'onzz (The Martian Manhunter).
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