'Clash of the Titans' Film Complete. Only In A Fairy Tale
"Clash of the Titans" is getting more epic -- and perhaps 3-D.
I talked to Sam Worthington backstage last night at The Envelope's special screening of "Avatar" and the subject turned to "Clash of the Titans," the fantasy adventure due in March from director Louis Leterrier, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. The 33-year-old actor said that Warners, pleased with what they saw of Leterrier's work, had increased the budget for the film.
"We're going to be going back and shooting more scenes for it, they cut loose with some money so we can add to it," Worthington told me as we sat in the green room. He was obviously very enthused about the studio's decision. Sigourney Weaver, Worthington's costar in "Avatar" and a friend of Leterrier's, was sitting next to us and listening in as well.
Worthington went on: "We're going to be shooting more scenes in January, so we're going to be right up against it -- the movie comes out in March."
I had to ask: Is it really enthusiasm that is behind the mad scramble? From the outside, last-minute returns to the set look like signs of trouble. Worthington conceded that the January labors will help fix up some problem areas of the film, but he insisted that the new money and the new filming opportunity are signs that Warners and the producers are setting their sights higher for the film.
"There were some creaky parts but they are the parts that we knew were creaky and that we knew were going to be creaky going into it. The studio is also letting us add some gods and scenes. And they're talking about making the movie a 3D film."
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