Will there Be a Fourth Twilight Film?
Do you really think that they haven't already greenlit the fourth movie. Forget about it. Even if the next film doesn't gross anywhere near the first movie. It's still going to come out. Ah if it didn't my wife and sister would be so pissed.
A casting agent's press release ignited a firestorm of speculation this morning with its announcement that "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn production has been greenlit by Summit Entertainment."
Only to be followed by an unnamed Summit representative telling Gossip Cop that, "The film has not been greenlit—and thus no decisions about the film's shooting location, start date, the director, etc. ... have been made."
Will Breaking Dawn end up as one film? Or two?
Stephenie Meyer has been quoted as saying that a single movie wouldn't be sufficient to carry the plot of her novel. "It would have to be made into multiple movies, because it's hard to imagine it fitting into 90 minutes," said the author. But will the studio agree? Or will they leave out some of the plot threads that made the book a best-seller?
Will the novel's explicitness be toned down?
Breaking Dawn is filled with explicit scenes of sex and birth, which if filmed with fidelity to the novel would force an R rating on a franchise that has up until now kept to a PG-13. Will the studio lock out some of its intended audience by ramping up the rating to R? Or will it risk alienating that audience by watering down what made it successful in the first place?
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