Predators Going to Hawaii For A Vacation?
Let's get this movie going. Enough talk get production started. Can't wait for this movie to hit theaters next year.
20th Century Fox scouts have been combing the jungles of the Big Island of Hawaii for possible locations for their new movie in the Predator franchise Predators, according to Tim Ryan's Reel Hawaii.
Predators would be shooting on location in Hawaii for 18 days if plans pan out, with additional shooting done at Robert Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios in Austin beginning in late September.
Rodriguez will be producing the $40 million SF/horror sequel, which he co-wrote with Alex Litvak and Michael Finch. Nimród Antal, who made the very strange Hungarian fantasy/thriller Kontrol in the subways of Budapest before making 2007's Vacancy and the upcoming thriller Armored, will direct.
It would appear with this production and Ridley Scott's planned Alien prequel that Fox (having made two less-than-stellar Alien vs. Predator films) wants to separate its two main extraterrestrial menaces and get them back into their respective solo franchises.
Predators is currently scheduled for a July 7, 2010 release.
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