Ever want to race to use the bathroom during Movie?
Have you ever had to go use the bathroom so bad during a movie. But didn't want to leave for the pure fact that you might miss a great scene? Have you ever Get to the movies late and didn't get a chance to use the restroom. Don't worry there is a Great site for you. Thanks to Hammer a Huge Fan of the site sent me an email today letting me know about this great site. runpee.com
When you go to the rest room during a movie you always your friends ask "What happened?" or "Did I miss the huge Explosion?"
This site is your answer to when you should run to the bathroom during a movie if you have a small bladder. The site will tell you when to go and what you missed during that time.
The site also has an iPhone app that you all can buy for you phones. More apps right.
So next time your at the movies make sure to check this site out before you go.