I can tell you one thing they are doing a great job with the previews to the movie. And the Posters aren't that bad either. I am still up in the air with this movie. From what I have seen so far Not sure. But with the new trailer they are Winning me over.Trust me I am still going to go see the movie. Good or bad reviews doesn't matter. Maybe going into the movie with the low expectations, the movie will be better then I think it is going to be. I am very much looking forward to seeing Snake Eyes in action. He is being played by Ray Park. And looks pretty kick ass. One thing on my mind is. No GI Joe presence at Comic Con this year? You would think they would be there. You would think they would need to build up the Hype for the movie. Maybe they will show up as a surprise. Check out the two new trailers of the movie. Enjoy
The Movie is due out August 7, 2009